30 May Great Weekend Of Learning & Affirmation At Indiana University With The NSPA!
Had a chance to attend the National Sports Performance Association annual conference at Indiana University last weekend. Phenomenal weekend of learning, skill-sharpening & affirmation…..Huge blessing to learn from, & work with, some of the very best Coaches in the world, including some I have certifications through. Pictured with Lee Taft (“The Speed Guy”) who ran a fantastic session on Rebooting the Athlete, Sub-Maximal Work & Engaging All of the Body’s Systems. There here were NHL coaches, NFL coaches, Collegiate coaches, Biomechanists, Mental Health Experts, Nutrition experts etc etc etc….Saturday was all Classroom, Sunday was all Hands-On & Application. Enriching weekend & ABSOLUTELY worth the drive! Learning Never Stops….WARNING: As we’re set to resume our physical development groups at all ages, I came back even more ON FIRE for the holistic development of our NL athletes