Male Strength & Speed Class / Female Xplosive Training



Male High School Speed and Strength

Resumes Monday, June 17, 2024

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs

Rising Sophs/Juniors/Seniors     9am-10am

Rising Freshmen   10am-11am


 Middle School Boys Speed & Strength

Resumes Monday, June 17, 2024

Mon, Tues, Thurs 11am-12pm


Female High School Xplosion Class

Resumes Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday  8:30am-9:30am



Female Middle School Xplosion Class

Resumes Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday & Wednesday    9:45am-10:45am


**ALL GROUPS are $12.50 per session for Members, $15 for Non-members… only for what you are able to attend


These Programs focus on STRIVING TO BUILD A ROBUST ATHLETE, WHO IS READY FOR PLAY ON THE FIELD. We are chasing ADAPTATION TO SPORT. We focus heavily on improving functional athletic movement.  These sessions, involving planned progressions, are intended for more mature athletes. We do build “testing” into the program, utilizing numerous technologies (including V Max Pro, Laser timers, digital jump mats). Our goals are simple…Get more athletic. Get more explosive. Build a more Robust & Adaptable Athlete These are NOT Personal training classes, boutique workouts, or bodybuilding programs. We have been working with middle school and high school athletes, both male & female, for many years. We have had 200+ athletes and counting go on to play collegiately. That number is now growing by 20-25 per year on average. We’ve also trained more than two dozen Professional Athletes, including current Major Leaguers, who call this place home. We use that specific experience, NSPA, CSCS & IYCA principles, & over 50 years of combined experience training athletes in all sports, to form the basis of our sessions, progressions & regressions. If they show up CONSISTENTLY & work INTENTLY, your athlete WILL get more athletic & more explosive. And they’ll have fun doing it!


Any further questions, call Trent Britt at 252 756-NEXT (6398)