Winter Indoor Baseball League


*Registration for members begins on on Monday, Dec 11-Wed Dec 13…Beginning Thursday, Dec 14, non-members can fill any additional spots


WHEN: Opening Night is Friday, January 19 & games will conclude Friday, Feb 23, 2024 (6 week schedule). One game per team will be played each week on Friday evenings. There are 6 total games per team.

WHO: Players LEAGUE AGE 8-12 for the Spring of ’24, who are still on the SMALL FIELD.

COST: $55 for Members, $80 for Non-Members

AGAIN THIS YEAR…..We will have an 8-10 Year Old League and a 10-12 Year Old WOOD BAT League. There will be 4 teams in each league.


DETAILS: Our Winter Indoor League is intended for “Small Field” players (not 90 ft bases) to “Knock The Rust Off.” No records or standings are kept & though it is a “live” pitching league, NO PLAYER will pitch. We pitch. It WILL be Competitive and FUN. We gear the pitching to the age/level of the player. This is live baseball. We typically get 6 innings in. We do our best to insure competitive balance with the roster of the teams. You will play one game per week. Six or seven (if a catcher) players will be on the field at a time. Typically there are 8 players per team. This is NOT INSTRUCTIONAL in nature. It is games. And we will challenge you. And it is always a heckuva lotta fun!

***This will fill up and we will cap this at 64 players.