06 Dec Next Level’s Pitching Instructor Jake Kuchmaner Asked To Speak To Major League Baseball!
BIG DAY FOR KUCH! I wanted to publicly share something really cool occurring for one of our Pitching Instructors, JAKE KUCHMANER. The former ECU pitching star is presenting some data today to Major League Baseball, at their Annual Winter Meetings, in Nashville, TN. The data is from a study Kuch completed, as part of his Master’s program thru the Dept of Kinesiology at ECU. We collected much of the data here, early this year….continued….
Without geeking out on you, in summary, the study was examining how Baseball Pitchers use their eyes most effectively, under varied conditions….a term known as “Quiet Eye” in the Sports Psychology world. It also examined the relationship between Fastball Velocity & Accuracy, under various conditions and while being given various commands. The title of the study is “Just Throw Strikes” and the findings, on both fronts, were significant enough for him to be asked to present to Major League Baseball! Though the phenomena knowns as “Quiet Eye” has been studied in other sports, this is the first known published data specific to baseball.
Good luck to Kuch today and what a Super Cool day for him. We try to stress to all of our Instructors to NEVER STOP LEARNING!